Jon Engum receives the honor of being appointed a Master RKC. Master RKCs are appointed after extensive experience as a Senior RKC and after demonstrating the highest levels of integrity, commitment, teaching skills, leadership and personal physical ability. Master RKCs are the only RKCs with the authority to teach Dragon Door approved RKC certification workshops on their own.
Vice President
Minnesota Taekwondo Association
January 2012
Jon has been an integral part of the Minnesota Taekwondo Association serving on the Board of Directors and was recently appointed Vice President. He has been teaching and promoting Martial Arts in Minnesota for over 30 years.
Comrade Of The Week
November 2010
Jon Engum had the honor of being named Dragon Door TV's "Comrade Of The Week"
Click on the Dragon Door TV logo to see interview at 4:00
Engum Featured in Mens Health Magazine
May 2009
Jon Engum is featured in the May 2009 edition of Men's Health magazine, Korean edition. Men's Health is the world's largest men's magazine brand, with 38 editions around the world, a monthly circulation of 1.85 million, and 12 million monthly readers.
Engum Earns 7th Dan Grand Master in Korea
October 2008
Jon Engum, along with his instructor, Great Grand Master Moo Yong Yun, traveled to the Republic of Korea in October and went before the Board at the Kukkiwon to successfully complete the requirements for advancement to 7th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo. He has now earned the title of “Grand Master”. The Kukkiwon is the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) headquarters and is the governing body for Taekwondo.
Engum also holds a 4th Dan (Master) in Kumdo/Kumbup (Sword) and a 4th Dan (Master) in Hapkido. His extensive martial arts background is what led him to training and teaching with Kettlebells.
Engum Promoted to Senior RKC
September 2008
Pavel Tsatsouline, international bestselling author and father of the modern kettlebell movement announced last weekend that Jon Engum has been promoted to Senior RKC Instructor. This honor is shared by only a few other people in the world.
According to the Dragon Door website this honor is by invitation only. It also goes on to say, "The Senior RKC has displayed a combination of superior teaching skills, leadership and physical abilities with the kettlebell. The Senior RKCs are responsible for teaching and testing at Dragon Door and Pavel's renowned Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor certification workshops. We strongly recommend you seek out one of these elite instructors for a workshop or private instruction, if at all possible."
Engum Certified Kettlebell Functional Movement Specialist
August 2008
Under the direction of FMS founders Gray Cook and Lee Burton and Master RKC Brett Jones, Engum has completed the CK-FMS program and is quallified to integrate the Functional Movement Screen and Corrective Exercise protocols with HardStyle RKC kettlebell training. The CK-FMS is utilized to spot and correct hidden dysfunctions in the body.
Hard Style Says #1
Spring 2008
The Spring 2008 issue of Hard Style Magazine says Jon Engum is now ranked the #1 RKC Instructor. Hard Style is the premier Kettlebell magazine.
Jon Engum Honored In International Magazine
Hard Style magazine has ranked Jon Engum as one of the top four Strength and Conditioning Instructors in the WORLD!Hard Style is the premier Kettlebell magazine and has a circulation of 120,000 worldwide.
Jon Engum, is the owner of Extreme Training based out of Brainerd & Detroit Lakes, MN and uses Kettlebells to help instructors and students reach their maximum fitness goals. Engum is an RKC Team Leader, hand-picked by Pavel Tsatsouline, and assists him in teaching RKC Instructor Certifications in St. Paul. Jon will be with Pavel in Denmark in May 2008 teaching a European RKC Instructor Certification course. Jon is featured in Pavel's bestselling "Beyond Stretching" DVD series and is also a Combat Applications Specialist.
Engum teaches introductory and advanced Kettlebell Workshops across the region and has also worked with Instructors and students from all over the world including England, Australia, Japan, South Africa, and Denmark.
For SAFETY reasons and for EXCITING results make sure you learn from a Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor (RKC). To find out who is a Certified RKC Instructor click HERE.
To set up a Workshop for your group call and visit the Extreme Training Website at
Issue 152, 03/05/08
Pavel Says...
"Comrade, although I do not teach stretching instructor courses, these two gentlemen have mastered the material so well that I have no hesitation recommending their stretching seminars."
One of them is...
"Com. Jon Engum, RKC Team Leader,, teaches in Minnesota, North and South Dakota."
Master Jon Engum receives "Letter of Commendation" from Jang Won Lee, at the Kukkiwon, Seoul, March 1998.
It reads, "...Master Jon Engum has been awarded this diploma for his unlimited efforts of self-sacrifice to bring about the development and popularization of Taekwondo as a result a great contribution to the promotion of Taekwondo culture." It is signed by Un Yong Kim, President, Kukkiwon, and is stamped with his chop.
We Don't Just Train You Harder , We Train You Smarter.